How to access our prime locations?
To access your favorite hotel or restaurant, you will need an access code, which will be provided to you upon booking a table at the restaurant, or via SMS a few days before your arrival, in the case of a room reservation at one of the hotels.
The rate for your code is a 24-hour flat fee starting from your arrival time. Any exit will incur a charge.
This code will allow you to obtain an entry ticket and thus access the private parking of the hotel or restaurant and enjoy the free shuttles to get to Mont Saint-Michel.
LOW SEASON RATES (October to February).
- For cars, the rate is €6.00 per 24 hours. For access to the hotel area between 7:00 PM and 1:00 AM, the rate for cars is €6.00.
- For campervans and motorcycles, the rate is €8.00 per 24 hours.
- For motorcycles, the rate is €3.00 per 24 hours.
- For buses, the access code is priced at €31.50 per 24 hours.
SEASON RATES (March to October, excluding July and August)
- For cars, the rate is €10.00 per 24 hours. For access to the hotel area between 7:00 PM and 11:00 PM, the rate for cars is €10.00.
- For campervans, the rate is €11.50 per 24 hours.
- For motorcycles, the rate is €5.00 per 24 hours.
- For buses, the access code is priced at €49.00 per 24 hours.
HIGH SEASON RATES (July and August).
- For cars, the rate is €12.50 per 24 hours. For access to the hotel area between 7:00 PM and 1:00 AM, the rate for cars is €12.50.
- For campervans, the rate is €13.50 per 24 hours.
- For motorcycles, the rate is €6.30 per 24 hours.
- For buses, the access code is priced at €63.00 per 24 hours.
Payment will be made to the company Keolis via a payment terminal located at the exit of the hotel zone.
For more information, we invite you to visit this website: https://montsaintmichel.gouv.fr/tarifs/
If you would like to learn more about parking at Mont Saint-Michel and shuttle services, please click here [link to parking and shuttle website.
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